Outdoor Living

Golden Delicious

Keep your garden full of fruit even out of season with an ornament from the Garden Furniture Centre

Colour it in

A lick of paint to your house can do wonders for the garden, adding colour even in the darker months

Fun house

Feathered friends will thank you for Droog’s Dinner Plate Birdhouse, designed by Marcel Wanders and available at Amara

Fresh air chairs

Prepare for the sun’s arrival with a seating area ready for outdoor entertaining

Case study: Best laid plans

A neglected space transformed into a garden in which a passion for plants could be fulfilled.

Green fingers

Don’t wait till spring. Getting your garden going now will give you a head start for the rest of the year.

Case study: Plunge pool

When interior designer Stephanie Dunning was brought in to help her clients build a garden house, her job was made significantly easier on two fronts...

Case study: The Italian Job

A beautiful garden is not a rarity in Scotland; but one as magnificent as this, with its sculptures, pool and carefully planned layout – that’s...

Bits on the side

Don’t neglect the exterior of your house – treat it to the best pieces for some summer loving Often when updating a new property or...

Find inspiration and start planning that conservatory

Blur the Boundaries and Let the Light In If you’re looking to maximise space in your house and create a better connection with the garden,...



Homes for sale near you: ESPC’s The Luxe List – March

Each month, in association with ESPC, we'll showcase a handful of the most coveted properties in Scotland
