
Trendwatch: Try the ply

Work with wood for a look that wins

Green fingers

Don’t wait till spring. Getting your garden going now will give you a head start for the rest of the year.

I’m a believer

Alternative Bathrooms’ angular Dogma d.05 washbasin is an integrated countertop concept. The basin, which is part of the wider Dogma modular bathroom system, is...

Rocking the look

The Stingray’s futuristic design will fit easily into a contemporary home, but it works well in more traditional settings too

Best foot forward

French interior designer Stéphanie Coutas, founder of SC Edition, has collaborated with Tai Ping to produce three beautiful rug designs: Aphrodite, Arès and Versailles...

Trendwatch: Line up

Think outside the box and earn your stripes

Safe Arbor

Arbor is the fourth kitchen range from Harvey Jones, and it manages to fill the gap between modern and traditional – its design is...

Downsizing from an Abroath Georgian villa to a new-build in the back garden

If you must make the jump to a more manageable home, it might as well be to a beautiful ultra-efficient new-build – in a corner of your old back garden

Trendwatch: Cut the mustard

Spice things up a bit with a splash of the hot stuff