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Meet the maker: Saga-Mariah Sandberg, illustrator

Artist Saga-Mariah Sandberg is inspired by nature, observing plants, insects and the forest

Style steal: Summer breeze

Capture the Caribbean vibe with pink, yellow and plenty of greenery

Designer Kit Kemp’s Barbadian home is alive with colour

Kit Kemp’s Caribbean hideaway is alive with sultry tones and riotous patterns that bring the outdoors in

Case study: A kitchen that’s an American dream

American architecture and design motivated one couple to export the industrial, warehouse vibes of upstate New York and transplant them into their Elgin home

These self-build owners were happy to let their dream home in Fife evolve on site

Mid-construction design tweaks are usually to be avoided at all costs. Here, though, this couple took their east coast project in their stride

Design Notes: the Vipp pedal bin

The enduring popularity of the original design is testament to its appeal, with the current version featuring the same recognisable minimal style

Behind Closed Doors: Craven Dunnill Jackfield

Britain’s last encaustic tile-maker has been around for 150 years and is increasingly sought-after for its time-honoured skills

An interview with Kit Kemp, interior designer and author

Kit Kemp is renowned not only for her unique interiors but also as an author, a respected champion of British art, craft and sculpture, and as a designer of textiles, fragrance and homewares

This Life: Sarah Grieve Mills, Crail Pottery

Her parents set up Crail Pottery from a caravan in their East Neuk garden in 1965. Now, this talented potter has continued the colourful, creative passion of her family’s business

Eclectic walls or flooring will revitalise your kitchen

Kitchen walls and floors are standing out this season



Homes for sale near you: ESPC’s The Luxe List – September

Each month, in association with ESPC, we'll showcase a handful of the most coveted properties in Scotland

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