Make a statement in the sitting room with these big, bold chairs

The living room suite is dead. Interior design has moved on from uniformity, it’s currently all about expressing yourself through colour, texture and shape. There’s no need to match your armchairs to your sofa – be bold and experimental and go for contrasts.
Two angular chairs in differing shades look stylishly consistent, and will come across as more curated, rather than matchy-matchy. Keep the colours the same but go for drastically different shapes: one lower and round, one more squared off in form. This complimentary but not identical approach allows more space for fanciful options – you don’t need to choose between styles, get them both.
Your space needs only one unusual seat. Make it a focal point by bringing in the surprise element: think of it as a piece of art that doubles as a spot to sit. Picking an unusual lamp design to light your reading nook helps to harmonise the unexpected seating arrangement.